My Blog — blogger RSS

and so it begins...

As I was still working in the baby class at the daycare at this time I noticed how many new parents were coming in with these super expensive baby brand products. I don’t know if it was because my family was old school and we would use very simple things to help soothe a child, but I was never one to do a lot of research on a diaper rash cream, lotions, or anything. I got all my advice from my mother, mother-in-law, three big sisters and my husband’s grandmother. All to say, I got curious about these brands and if I should be using them as well for my children as they promoted being “all natural”. When I googled...

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The Creative Side

I always felt like I wasn’t good at many things but one thing I’ve loved to do since I was young was crafting and making things with my hands. As a young girl, I was constantly cutting pictures out of photo albums and magazine articles, making scrapbooks and handmade gifts for different family members. I loved making messes and creating beautiful things. As I was working full time as a daycare educator and growing my family, I felt that there was still this empty space that needed to be filled. Something I needed to accomplish on my own. Decorating my house and helping others out with their home décor needs was always something I loved to do. I didn’t have...

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My First Blog

I want to start off by saying; before starting RosySky, I’ve never followed a blogger, read a blog, and the craziest… never thought I would be writing blog. I’ve always been a Netflix and chill type person, and while I was doing anything around the house, I only had Friends playing in the background. I don’t know why but that’s how I was. Someone recommended I start following Diary of a Curvy Girl. I started reading her posts and fell in love. Reading her posts about positive body image, woman empowerment, and just loving yourself. I wasn’t big on social media, Instagram and Facebook, unless I was posting a picture of my kids (Pinterest was more my thing). Once I...

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A little about me

Hey all you natural beauties, One thing I would love to do with this blog is open up a little more about myself and let you in on who I am. I have always been someone who has a hard time talking about myself, and the things going on in my life. Starting this company has changed all that for me. I don’t know if it’s because I am meeting new people that have similar interests as me or even just because as a seller, I felt I needed to open up myself more to everyone. Whatever the reason it has helped me open up and know that me just being me is more than enough.  So, you will be...

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