and so it begins...

As I was still working in the baby class at the daycare at this time I noticed how many new parents were coming in with these super expensive baby brand products. I don’t know if it was because my family was old school and we would use very simple things to help soothe a child, but I was never one to do a lot of research on a diaper rash cream, lotions, or anything. I got all my advice from my mother, mother-in-law, three big sisters and my husband’s grandmother.

All to say, I got curious about these brands and if I should be using them as well for my children as they promoted being “all natural”. When I googled some of them the first thing I noticed was the price. I couldn’t believe how expensive some of these products were and in these teeny tiny bottles. Then the packaging caught my eye, “MADE WITH ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS”. So I began understanding a little more as to why these products were more costly. If something is made with all-natural ingredients, of course it is going to cost more to produce. Next, I read the ingredients. Well… I tried to read the ingredients. I maybe understood 4 out of all the ingredients that were listed. Do you really need all this in one product to help soothe a diaper rash? To hydrate dry skin? All these ingredients are going into our skin, in our body, our blood stream. Well, ok it’s all natural, it must be safe. Then I did some more research. Did you know that companies can put “natural” as part of their product name and not actually be all natural? That really freaked me out. So these products we thought were all natural are not, and thinking the ingredients are safe to use but may not be. This is where it began. It didn’t begin as Rosy Sky but something small I tried to start with a co-worker. We did some research and made a product. Fast forward a little, I knew I needed to do something with this, but needed to do it on my own.

I was un-easy about making skincare products for babies, as I was just starting out and knew that I had a lot of research to do. I am going to be honest and say, I was not one of those girls that you would see at Sephora, buying pounds of makeup, or have a night-time routine. On the rare occasion that I would wear makeup, I even sometimes would be too lazy to take it off and went straight to bed with it! (I could smack my old self right now) I wanted to make, create products, but didn’t know where to start. Who do I turn to? Mary, Amy, and Josie. My three older sisters… they started Rosy Sky.

Mary is the oldest, mother of two boys and a girl, two of which are teenagers. She was my boss (still is in a way lol) and she pushes me more than anyone, even when I don’t want to hear it… especially when I don’t want to hear it. She knows what it is like to build a company from the ground up as she had opened two daycares herself. Lucky for me she also suffers from eczema! Lol Not lucky for her but it was one of the first things I wanted to look into creating. A moisturizing cream that can help reduce inflammation, flare ups, etc. The research began, and she was guinea pig number one.

Amy is the second, mother of two teen boys, and ultimate rock star. You don’t mess with her. She was the first one to give me a list of products she would like made. Yes, a list. She always makes sure I am making something new and if I don’t have anything new, she will refer back to “The List” She is guinea pig number two.

Josie is the third, mother of two boys and a very sassy girl. We’ve been close since we were young, closer once I became a bit more mature. She’s always has a career that keeps her very busy, but any time I need help, she is there. She will correct my grammar, make sure I am not using, negative terms, and help with all my calculations when it comes to my company’s expenses. She also lets me know where I am going wrong, but in a very positive way. “Jonie, you are actually paying people to be using this deodorant.” My answer was “But, it’s really good”. LOL She helps with a lot. Josie also loves receiving any new product even when she doesn’t know how to use it. “It’s like Christmas!” she says. She is guinea pig number 3.

This is how Rosy Sky began. A lot of research, a supportive team, and a big dream.

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