My First Blog

I want to start off by saying; before starting RosySky, I’ve never followed a blogger, read a blog, and the craziest… never thought I would be writing blog. I’ve always been a Netflix and chill type person, and while I was doing anything around the house, I only had Friends playing in the background. I don’t know why but that’s how I was.

Someone recommended I start following Diary of a Curvy Girl. I started reading her posts and fell in love. Reading her posts about positive body image, woman empowerment, and just loving yourself. I wasn’t big on social media, Instagram and Facebook, unless I was posting a picture of my kids (Pinterest was more my thing). Once I started reading her posts, I felt a change in me. A big change.

I have struggled with anxiety and depression and at a point had become an emotional eater. It was a terrible feeling. I gained weight and hated myself. I bought clothes two sizes bigger in the hopes that the “flowy” clothes would not make me look so big. I knew it did not help but I felt like I could hide in a way. When I felt like my loose clothes were not enough, I started to actually hide. I cancelled plans, hid in my house without seeing family or friends for a long period of time. All this to say, just a few sentences of reading her everyday made me feel differently about myself. I started to care about myself, I started to smile and be happy with who I was. I started to change the way I dressed and wore clothes that made me happy. Then started to slow down on the food and stopped eating once I was full. I feel like I’m rambling… I do that; which is another reason why I have never thought about blogging. I’m almost done, bare with me. All this rambling to say, I have changed. I love who I am, I’ve become more confident and it has led me on this new journey that I hope to share with all of you…
This whole entry should have been about me introducing my company, but I felt like I wanted to put myself out there, as most bloggers do. I want to share the good, the bad and the ugly. If you’re up for more, you will learn more about me, my family, and of course RosySky and where it all began.

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